Module: Binary Search



Binary search in ordered array: start (C++)

Theory Click to read/hide

Binary search is an efficient — its complexity estimate is O(log2(n)), while conventional sequential search has O(n). This means that, for example, for an array of 1024 elements, a linear search, in the worst case, when the desired element is not in the array, will process all 1024 elements. Binary search is enough to process \(log_2(1024) = 10\) elements. This result is achieved due to the fact that after the first step of the loop, the search area narrows down to 512 elements, after the second – up to 256 etc.

The disadvantages of this algorithm are the requirement for data ordering, as well as the ability to access any data element in a constant (independent of the amount of data) time. Thus, the algorithm cannot work on unordered arrays and any data structures based on linked lists.

bye (right – left > 1)  // As long as the right border is to the right of the left
  middle = (left + right) /< /span> 2; // Middle of search area
  if (A[middle] >= b) then
    right = middle; // Move the right border
    left = middle; // Otherwise move the left border
if (A[right] == X) then
  right output;
  output -1;

A - source array,
N - array size,
X - the desired number.


Implement a binary search algorithm.
Input data 
The first line of the input contains natural numbers N and K (\(0<N <= 100000,\ 0<K< ;=10^9\) ). The second line contains the N elements of the array, sorted in ascending order. The elements of the array are integers, each of which does not exceed 109.
It is required for  K to output its number in the array on a separate line, if this number occurs in the array, and "NO" otherwise.
# Input Output
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10