

Tuples. slices

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Slicing can be performed similarly to lists.
It should be remembered that by taking an element by index or by slice (slice), we do not change the tuple in any way, we simply copied part of it for further use (for example, for printing, some calculations, etc. .p.).

Slice syntax
my_tuple[start:stop:step]  # start, stop and step


The program creates a tuple my_tuple  (this is already done for you) 
Your task is to write only the output statements of some elements of the my_tuple tuple in a certain order. 

1) the third element of the tuple;
2) penultimate element of the tuple;
3) the first three elements of the tuple;
4) all elements of the tuple with even indices (assuming that indexing starts from 0, so the characters are displayed starting from the first one);
5) all elements of the tuple with odd indices, i.e. starting from the second element;
6) all elements of the tuple in reverse order.