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Loop through all characters

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Because a character can be accessed by index, a variable loop can be used to iterate over all characters, which will take possible index values. For example, a program that displays all the character codes of the string s would look like this:

for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)

Program notes:
1) s.Length finds the length of a string. The index of the first character is 0 and the index of the last is s.Length-1. The loop variable i will just take values ​​sequentially from 0 to 
2) in each line, the symbol itself will be displayed first, and then its code, which can be obtained through the  Convert.ToInt32();
The same enumeration can be written shorter:

foreach (char c in s)


In this snippet, the loop header loops through all  s characters, placing one by one into the variable c.
The peculiarity of C# when working with strings is that strings are immutable objects. In other words, we cannot change individual characters of a string.
For example, the following statement will not work:
s[5]=" ";


Write a program that finds the sum of all element codes in a given string. The input contains a string, you need to output one integer - the sum of all codes.

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