Digits of the number
The need to use the operation of calculating the remainder of the division is visible when working with digits of the number.
Given an three-digit number. Output all the digits of the number on the screen and get a new number formed by a by the interchanging the digits of ones and hundreds.
The most difficult question that newcomers have is how to get the numbers from a number. In fact, it is quite simple, if you remember the math. And mathematics tells us that any number can be decomposed into a sum of digit summation terms.
365 = 3*100 + 6*10 + 5*1
- Select and save all digits of the number in separate variables.
e = n % 10; // operator n % 10 - ones of the number n 365 % 10 = 5
d = n / 10 % 10; // operator n / 10 - calculate the number by 10 times,
// that is, it discards the last digit from the number (365 / 10 = 36),
// now we can calculate the number of tens
// by applying the familiar operation to the result -
// calculate the remainder of the division by 10, 36 % 10 = 6
s = n / 100; // to get hundreds, it’s enough to discard two digits
// from the number on the right, that is, divide twice by 10
// (n / 10 / 10 or n / 100) 365 / 100 = 3
- Having the saved digits of a number, we can make any number from them, multiplying the desired digit by the corresponding digit:
For example, the line below will get a new number from the original number
, which has hundreds and ones interchanging:
1) the old number of units (stored in variable
) is multiplied by 100
2) the old number of tens (stored in the variable
) is multiplied by 10
3) we can multiply the old number of hundreds simply by 1, or simply take the value stored in the variable
Then the values from points 1, 2 and 3 are simply added up and we get a new number:
n1 = e * 100 + d * 10 + s;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n, e, d, s;
cin >> n;
e = n % 10;
d = n / 10 % 10;
s = n / 100;
cout << e << " " << d << " " << s << " " << e * 100 + d * 10 + s << endl;
return 0;