
11 /21

** Table cutlets


The head chef decided to arrange a Day of Respect for the Cook at the Lyceum. To do this, he prepared N unusually tasty cutlets for the lyceum students and secretly decided that the first schoolboy who came to taste the chef's dish should get the largest number of delicious cutlets, and each subsequent student -  ;Strictly smaller than the previous one (the chef really didn't like it when the  cooked lunch was late and he had to cool down).
Of course, the introduced rule leaves a significant arbitrariness in the number of cutlets received by the next lyceum student, and this number is not the least 
will depend on the previous behavior of the lyceum student in the dining room, as well as on the magic words spoken by him. For example, 6 cutlets can be in 
results are distributed according to one of the following four schemes: 3+2+1 (three cutlets for the first of the schoolchildren who came, two for the second and one for the third), 4+2, 5+1 and 6 (he eats all the cutlets lucky come first).
Write a program that determines how many different ways a chef can distribute a prepared treat to students.
Input Data
The input file contains a single integer N, the number of cutlets prepared by the chef (0<=N<=200).
Output data
The output file must contain a single integer equal to the number of possible patty distributions.


# Input Output
1 6 4