Module: Catalan numbers


1 /2

Number of Catalan numbers

Theory Click to read/hide

Where do Catalan numbers occur?

-Number of psp with a given number of pairs of brackets
-Number of binary trees with given number of leaves
-The number of paths from the lower left corner to the upper right corner in the square n * n that do not touch the diagonal

-Number of divisions of the n-gon into triangles

How to count?
1) Formula for the nth Catalan number:

•Let's have a PSS of length 2n
•Obviously it starts with an opening brace
•So, say P = (A)B, where A and B – also psp (moreover, A and B can be empty)
•If the length of A = 2k, then the sequence A can be composed in Ck ways
•Then the length of B = 2(n – k - 1) and B can be composed in Cn-k-1 ways


Output N-th number of Catalan

The first line of the input contains a single number N (\(1 <= N <= 20\)).
Print one number - Nth number of Catalan


# Input Output
1 1 1