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Referencing symbols

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Referencing row indices
Each character in a string has a number (called index), and indexing in the C# programming language starts from zero. That is, the first character has index 0, the second - 1, and so on.
String characters can be accessed by indexes, which are indicated in square brackets s[i].
String S H e l l o
Index S[0] S[1] S[2] S[3] S[4]

When accessing a string element at index i, the type s[i] is not string but char. This means that this is not a string, but a character that corresponds to some integer in the character code table. In particular, when you add two elements of type char , you get an integer - the addition of the codes of these elements. However, if you display s[i], the i-th character of the string will be displayed, not the number corresponding to it. 


The input to the program is three lines:
the first line specifies the word s;
the second is an integer a
the third is an integer b (each number is in the range [1; length(s)])

Print a new word on the screen, formed by the characters in places a, b  (in that order).
# Input Output
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