Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 38555. Turtle

The turtle crawls on the floor, which is laid with square tiles with side A see. The start of the Turtle's path is at  X. The turtle managed to crawl a distance of D cm before the owner picked it up. Determine how many cells (partially or whole) the Turtle managed to crawl through.

The first line contains the number A – side length of one tile. The second line contains the number X - the coordinate of the point from which the Turtle started its journey. The third line - the number D - the distance that the Turtle crawled. The OX axis is directed to the right. The last tile in the row on which the Turtle is crawling is at the origin. All numbers are integers not exceeding \(2\cdot10^9 \), numbers A, D – positive, number X – positive or equal to 0.

Output one number – the number of tiles that the Turtle has fully or partially crawled through.
It is considered that the Turtle has crawled through the tile if the conditionally drawn line of the Turtle's path has a non-zero length, that is, the touch of the path line and the edge of the tile is not considered.


# Input Output Explanation
1 10
4 Tile side (cell side in the picture) A = 10.
The turtle started at X = 15 and passed 35.
The turtle has completely or partially passed 4 tiles.