Олимпиадный тренинг

Задача 45460. Two arrays - 2

Alice and her father, Professor Seleznev, write down the numbers on a piece of paper. Alice wrote down n numbers, Professor Seleznev - m numbers. Alice and the professor will be happy if they write down the same numbers (without multiplicity). Help them figure it out as they need to fly off on their next space trip. 
The first line contains a number n  (1 <= n <= 100000) is the number of numbers written by Alice. The second line contains n integers whose absolute value does not exceed 109 – Alice's numbers. The third line contains an integer m - the number of numbers written by Professor Seleznev (1 <= m <= 100000) . The fourth line contains m integers whose absolute value does not exceed 109 – Professor Seleznev's numbers.
Print YES if the professor and Alice wrote the same numbers, and the word NO  otherwise.
# Input Output
1 3
2 0 0 7

Запрещенные операторы:sort;set