
Problem description Progress
ID 33237. Average score in subjects - 2
Темы: structures    Strings   

Find the average score of all students in each subject.
The first line specifies the number of students n (\(0 < n <=100\)). Followed by n lines, each of which contains the last name, first name and three numbers (grades in three subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science). The data in a line is separated by a single space. Grades take values ​​from 1 to 5.
Print three real numbers, separating them with one space: the average score of all students in mathematics, physics, computer science.
# Input Output
Markov Valeriy 4 5 2
Kozlov Georgiy 5 1 2
4.5 3 2

ID 38689. Point sorting
Темы: structures    Using sort    Elementary geometry   

Print all initial points in ascending order of their distances from the origin.

Create a Point structure and store the original data in an array of Point structures.

The program receives a set of points on the plane as input. First, the number of points n is given, then there is a sequence of n lines, each of which contains two numbers: the coordinates of the point. The value of n does not exceed 100, all initial coordinates – integers not exceeding 103.

It is necessary to display  all initial points in ascending order of their distances from the origin. The program displays only the coordinates of the points, there is no need to display their number.


# Input Output
1 2
1 2
2 3
1 2
2 3

ID 38717. Students without triplets
Темы: Strings    structures   

Print the last names and first names of students who do not have triples (as well as twos and stakes).

First, the number of students n is given, then n lines, each of which contains the last name, first name and three numbers (grades in three subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science). The data in a line is separated by a single space. Ratings take a value from 1 to 5.

It is necessary to output pairs of surname-first name, one per line, separating the surname and first name with one space. No ratings required. The output order must be the same as in the original data.

# Input Output
1 3
Babat Anna 5 4 3
Belova Galina 4 3 5
Moroz Yaroslav 3 5 4

ID 38718. Three best
Темы: Strings    structures   

Identify the three students with the best GPA in three subjects. Print the first and last names of these students. If at the same time, several students have the same average score as the average score of the student who "took 3rd place", then you need to print them all.

First, the number of students n is given, then n lines, each of which contains the last name, first name and three numbers (grades in three subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science). The data in a line is separated by a single space. Ratings take a value from 1 to 5.

It is necessary to output pairs of surname-first name, one per line, separating the surname and first name with one space. No ratings required. The output order must be the same as in the original data.

# Input Output
1 3
Yakovlev Ivan 5 5 5
Yapryntsev Aleksey 5 5 5
Kozlov Georgiy 5 5 5
Yakovlev Ivan
Yapryntsev Aleksey
Kozlov Georgiy

ID 38720. Sort by GPA
Темы: Strings    structures   

Print the last and first names of students in descending order of their GPA.

First, the number of students n is given, then n lines, each of which contains the last name, first name and three numbers (grades in three subjects: mathematics, physics, computer science). The data in a line is separated by a single space. Ratings take a value from 1 to 5.

The total number of students does not exceed 100001.
It is necessary to output pairs of surname-first name, one per line, separating the surname and first name with one space. No ratings required. If several students have the same average scores, then they should be output in the order specified in the input data.

# Input Output
1 2
Markov Valeriy 1 1 1
Ivanov Ivan 2 2 2
Ivanov Ivan
Markov Valeriy
2 3
Markov Valeriy 5 5 5
Sergey Petrov 1 1 1
Petrov Petr 3 3 3
Markov Valeriy
Petrov Petr
Sergey Petrov